Laura woodson friend request 2016 full movie
Laura woodson friend request 2016 full movie

laura woodson friend request 2016 full movie

The video shows Marina burning an illustration of Laura before hanging herself in front of her computer. Laura receives a call from Marina as a video is posted to Laura’s Facebook profile. Kobe, a friend with a romantic interest in Laura, adds that Marina’s body was not found and police are not sure of her true identity. It is also revealed that a webcam video exists of Marina’s death. Markham announces to his students that Marina committed suicide, which shocks Laura.

laura woodson friend request 2016 full movie

Laura later experiences a disturbing vision of a haunted mirror previously seen in Marina’s artwork.ĭr. Worried that Marina is mentally unstable when she continues sending messages and trying to video chat with her, Laura unfriends Marina. Marina’s hood falls down, revealing that much of her hair is ripped out. When Marina angrily confronts Laura in the cafeteria after seeing party photos posted online featuring other friends, a physical struggle erupts. Laura lies about her birthday party plans so that Marina is excluded. Olivia and Izzy warn Laura to be wary of Marina. Laura reviews Marina’s online profile with her friends Olivia Mathison and Isabel, and they find gruesome videos that look like recorded nightmares.

laura woodson friend request 2016 full movie

Marina immediately begins commenting on all of Laura’s posts, sends numerous messages, and mocks up a picture of the two of them together. Despite Marina being shunned on campus and having zero friends, Laura takes an interest in Marina’s macabre artwork and accepts her request. Marina sends Laura a friend request on Facebook. Awkward loner Marina Mills idolizes her popular classmate Laura Woodson, an active social media user, from afar.

Laura woodson friend request 2016 full movie